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 Applicant NameProcedureDescription
Follow Joe Carmichael, Julie Archibald, John RagethCertified Survey MapCSM to add lands as being used. EGLT1871017-.019
Follow Daniel and Barbara RivaCertified Survey MapCSM to create one residential lot
Follow Beilinski Markham Road 40 lot subdivision
Follow BeilinskiSubdivision Plat - PreliminaryLong Meadow Preliminary Plat
Follow Karek HomesOther99 lots subdivision R-1 PUD; Residential Dev. Rights
Follow John MurphySpecial ExceptionAllow an accessory building in front of the principal building
Follow Michael GreesonCertified Survey MapCreate a Farm Separation from the remaining parcel to be a Farmette and the remaining land to be protected and used by the DNR The remaining 55 acres will become part of the Kettle Moraine State Forest and continue to have the Ice Age Trail corridor on it, as it has been for decades under a cooper