Zoning Code | Pending Applications

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Planned Development District - General Plan

Planned Development District - General Plan
Applicant: Karek Homes
Description: 99 lots subdivision R-1 PUD
On Hold
Certified Survey Map

Certified Survey Map
Applicant: Michael Greeson
Description: Create a Farm Separation from the remaining parcel to be a Farmette and the remaining land to be protected and used by the DNR The remaining 55 acres will become part of the Kettle Moraine State Forest and continue to have the Ice Age Trail corridor on it, as it has been for decades under a cooper
Work in Town Right-of-Way

Work in Town Right-of-Way
Applicant: Spectrum Mid-America LLC
Description: Directional bore (1) 2" HDPE duct w/ (1) .625 coaxial cable. Restore work area to original conditions. Please see prints for further details.